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Conservatory Logo John Major in humorous mode
The Rt. Hon John Major MP
Prime Minister, Leader
of the Conservatory Party
Wearer of the Ærtex® 'Pants of Power'

Welcome to the Conservatory Party's Home Page on the World Wide Web. The disinformation here will be inconsistently updated.

Every breakthrough in communications technology this century has started despite Conservatory Governments: the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, local radio, mobile phones, satellite television.

So is it not surprising that Britain already has more people connected to the Internet than any other country in Europe?

It was not the British State that created the Internet*. It was millions of individuals - just like you - because I'm technologically inept. I didn't even write this!

I hope you can enjoy surfing our pages without laughing too much.

PM's best signature
© Conservatory Central Office, 32 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HH
Phone: 0171 222 9000 Fax: 0171 222 8578
Designed and Produced by WibbleWorks Ltd. Tel : 0171 4360101

New Labour. It will all end in tears for the Tories. Evil Nazi-inspired New Labour ad An Evil Man Tory Torch


*Actually, it was the US Department of Defence.

We who did this! This Lampoon was inspired by MAD Magazine and Steve Bell of 'The Guardian'.
The Real Tory WebsiteThe Real Tory Website